Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cozied in, listening to Metric. MMM, yes!

Hiya! Oh, what a WEEK. In sum, blizzardy temps, commencing my new lifestyle/diet sans fast food (it's been ridiculously trying, but I'm reaping the benefits -- I've shed 5+ winter pounds thus far), interviewing the sweetest Santa Claus (click!), car shopping (I'm trading in my Saturn for an Aura, coat shopping (a blue peacoat and the North Face Aconcagua, finally), etc. etc.!

Annndd... I have a big announcement for y'all! *Drum roll*...

I'M GOING TO START VLOGGING THIS WEEK (with my new HD cam, yay)! Oooh, also, I have some pretty belated photos to share!

***UPDATE: I need to get my video editing software before I do this... So, standby!

So, remember that race I told you about last week? Here's a shot with my beautiful mommy post-race! Of course, I had to rock the pink Underarmor. ;)

And as aforementioned, I can't get enough of reality television. My girls and I went to the So You Think You Can Dance Tour a couple of weeks ago -- too thrilled!

Off to make whole-grain spaghetti! Ta ta!

P.S. The times are three hours always off when I post on here; does anyone know how to fix that?

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