Friday, December 25, 2009

Joyeux Noël!

Salut, mes amis!

Right now, I'm sitting in my living room, watching my parents meticulously practice their brand new ballroom routines. It's a beautifully inspiring experience -- the way they look at one another is just *le sigh* adorable.

Okay, on a completely different topic... Can I get a drumroll please?!

I am delighted to announce the arrival of two incredibly HUGE items in my life:

#1 - My new iMac (with Final Cut Pro)! Tons and tons of videos to come. It is gawwwgeous, complete with a 22.5 inch screen. Ay, caramba! This girl's going to have MANYmany nights in fromt now on. Can't wait for Mac dates!

#2 - Charlie!

Eeeeeeeeeeee! That's ri-ight; I'm getting a mini Aussie (not this one per se)! I'm elated and a bit anxious, given it's the first puppy I'll ever have. I'll be getting him next year!

Okay, and #3 (bonus!) - My new phone upgrade: The Motorola Droid

It's an iPhone competitor, and its features are supposed to be much better than a Blackberry overall. I did my research prior to, believe me. Next year, you bet I'm planning on switching over to AT&T to nab an iPhone. Until whenever that may be, I'm thankful to have a new Droid!

What'd Santa bring you?! I'm aaaall ears.

Signed dearly ♥, Mekialaya